06-04-2024 Meeting Minutes
06-04-2024 Meeting Minutes
Seattle Public Schools Native Education
Title Vl, Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)
Thursday, June 13, 2024
In attendance: Gail Morris, Shana Brown, Trina Nonis, Heather Puri, Danielle Vaillancourt
- Meeting started at 5:00 pm
Year End Moving Up Ceremony
Date: June 4, 5pm-8pm
We would like to thank the following people/organizations for helping make this celebration so wonderful for our families:
- Chef Olivia Ford (with special guest Andre Laranang) at Liiv for Catering for the incredible feast
- Tess Gamez for the tea
- Heather Puri for the beautiful necklace display
- The volunteers from Coe Elementary School who helped serve the food
- The volunteers from 350 Seattle who helped serve the food
- Starbucks for donating coffee
- 8th Generation for the blankets for our seniors
- Shana Brown, Victoria Hildebrand, Kurstyn Allen, Levi Harter, Nicole Wright, and Pilar Sandoval-Moberg for helping in many ways before, during, and after the event
- The IPAC for helping plan, set up and clean up
- Gail Morris for going above and beyond to make this event special for all families
- Danielle Vaillencourt for being there for the students and helping with serving
We had 163 people in attendance. 10 graduating Seniors who all received an 8th Generation blanket and paddle necklace.
Native Education Update
- Hiring a High School Graduation Coordinator role – works with 6th grade and up to ensure path to graduation is successful (including college applications and scholarship support)
- Hiring a new Librarian for next school year. Pilar is graduating from UW and will be moving to California after graduation.
- Hiring for a seqacib Teacher at Chief Sealth/Denny
- Interviewing for all the open positions now
- Still working on laptops. Will announce when we have them. Might not be until next school year.
Meeting ended at 5:30 p.m.
Next meeting is on September 12, 2024
We encourage all parents and guardians of Seattle Public Schools Native American and Alaskan Native Students to attend. The role of the Title Vl Native Education Parent Advisory Committee is to consult with and advise the Seattle School District on the development and operation of the Title Vl Program, assist in the development and approval of the Title Vl grant, and to help organize and conduct community cultural events, it’s important to know that the PAC helps to organize events and raise funds as well. By serving on the PAC parents and guardians of Native American/Alaskan Native Students in Seattle Public Schools can help decide the program goals and activities.
For information contact Gail Morris gtmorris@xlhl.net 206-252-0948